The Flow Down is a podcast all about periods — created, produced and hosted by passionate women and best friends Jessica Weiss and Stefanie Kleinburd.
We believe menstruation should be easier to talk about. Our goals at The Flow Down: shatter period stigma, provide useful information about the menstrual cycle, highlight diverse voices, create community and have fun doing it.
We think these conversations can change lives. In fact, we’re seeing it happen!
Jess is a bilingual journalist based in Washington, DC. She’s worked in radio, newspapers and digital news, and has been published in outlets from the New York Times to Ms. Magazine. She is especially passionate about stories that uplift women and other marginalized people.
Stef is a women’s health coach with an MBA from Columbia. After she lost her period in her 20s, she went on to learn everything she could about her female body. Since then, she’s helped hundreds of women make changes to their diet and lifestyle to improve their cycles. She is a passionate coach and mentor.
Jess and Stef met in 2012, in a cafe in Buenos Aires.
Here’s The Flow Down: Getting To Know Your Cycle Can Change Your Health, Your Fertility, And Your Life - Blood + Milk
New Podcast Made In South Florida Wants To Break The Silence Around Periods - WLRN
The Creators of the Podcast The Flow Down Want to Destigmatize Your Period - The Miami New Times
Producer, Mixing and Editing: Jessica Weiss
Marketing: Stefanie Kleinburd
Audio consultant: John Banrock
Design: Juan Perez
Theme music by Tacocat